Are you past those first few months of concussion recovery and still feel trapped in symptoms?

And now you are asking yourself:

"Is this really as good as it gets??"

"Am I destined to live with these symptoms for the rest of my life?"

"Could this really just be anxiety?"

"Why isn’t therapy working?"

"What do I do now? I have No plan."


Despair. Panic. Anxiety. Isolation. Anger.  Immobilization. Overwhelm. These feelings loom overhead.


What if I told you this is NOT how your life needs to stay.

Do you want you to feel NORMAL again? Be rid of those life altering symptoms like brain fog, poor balance and dizziness.

Do you want to go shopping, eat in restaurants, ride your bike, hike mountains and go to parties again without worrying about the loud music , that you can't handle the social or that you might fall?

Do you want your energy back to do what you want to do?


If you are anything like me, your desire is to get back to an ACTIVE LIFE.

Well keep reading because you are in the right place...


THREE: A Post Concussion Recovery Program.


Unlock the power of nervous system regulation to successfully rehab and overcome post concussion symptoms.
Learn real tools and movement practices to get you out of symptoms and back to an active life.

Get up to date information from an Occupational Therapist trained in concussion (more than just a coach).
Discover the important holistic piece to concussion recovery; mind body spirit.


Get Educated.

Get educated on the real brain injury facts and how to recover from concussion. 

Here you'll find up to date concussion information on topics such as mindset. exercise, headaches, the neck, symptom management and understanding the autonomic nervous system. It is all laid out in weekly topics and there is time for questions!

This program was created by a concussion literate clinician to save you the screen time and overwhelm of scattered  searches for help.

Get Empowered.

Get Empowered by learning how to build therapy into your daily life and favourite activities. 

Welcome to THE toolbox you'll need of post concussion tips, hacks and strategies to overcome concussion symptoms fast. We keep this toolbox well oiled and updated, AND we personalize it to YOU. 

This program is video or audio based, with handouts so that you don't need to notetake. 

Get Moving.

Discover a mindful movement practice that totally transforms the way you feel.

Here you will be guided through 12 progressive yoga classes designed specifically for concussion recovery, by a concussion literate athlete/therapist/yogi.

This means we consider, accommodate and challenge the neck, nervous system, vision and vestibular systems.


  • 13 weeks of educational video content PLUS
  • 2 x weekly live coaching calls with an OT!
  • Weekly online progressive yoga classes.
  • FREE online workshop with a nutritionist specializing in concussion.
  • NEW: A hot off the press updated illustrated WORKBOOK so that you don't have to print anything out !!!
  • Bonus Quick fix yoga videos eg. headache buster. 
  • NEW: What's App group AND an online community within the program: a place to share your wins and ask questions!
Join Now!

Who is the program for?

This program is designed for moderately active/athletic people who are struggling to get fully active again due to  persisting post concussion symptoms.

You don't need but may have some yoga experience. You should be able to move up and down from the floor safely.  I will provide both active challenge poses and supported options for those with dizziness. You should be ready and willing to take yourself  out of your comfort zone to see improvement.

Ideally you have had some type of concussion assessment and are experiencing  symptoms past the first few weeks of recovery. Is this you? Let's get started!

Why yoga for post cocussion recovery?

Yoga is a mindful and holistic practice that helps us get into our bodies. It includes mindset and nervous system regulation through techniques such as breathing, grounding and meditation.

Post concussion Yoga also offers careful rehabilitation to the spine, visual, vestibular, and somatosensory systems using enjoyable movement patterns. 

Meet your coach!


Hello, I'm Shelley. An Occupational Therapist and yoga instructor specializing in concussion recovery. And I've recovered from a whole series of concussions.

I'm a cyclist, a yogi and a nature lover who loves to hike, swim in the ocean and be outdoors. With more than 20 years experience as an Occupational Therapist in neurology, I can tell you that occupation matters. We want to be able to do the things we love. And when we can't, because of impairment, things can absolutely go haywire in our mind, body and spirit.

What brought me here? As a concussion survivor myself, I've been on the search, I've done the exercises, I've felt the hard feels. But I saw something missing in traditional concussion care. Education. Empowerment. A Mind Body approach. The things that build resilience. And so slowly, The power of THREE began to emerge; A program combining the learning with the doing.


Thank you 🙏. You helped me do all the right things after my concussion … who knew there were so many!? Doing normal stuff early, exercising for the brain, pacing, brain breaks…I learned a lot!

The yoga helped me see I wasn’t breathing properly and my body was holding so much tension from the trauma. It also helped me to calm my nervous system and get my neck and body moving again without getting scared by symptoms


This program has put me on a clear path. I do not need to search and scramble for answers and guidance. Shelley navigates, supports  us and challenges us through the daily obstacles of concussion .. 

The yoga classes are incredibly valuable to have on hand at any time I need them..grounding and somatics classes have been my favourite so far; they create safety in my brain and body. 

This course extends beyond concussion recovery, into a new, more mindful way of living. Thank You.


What an amazing and profound gift this  Post Concussion Recovery  Program was to my life! It has completely changed my life and instilled in me mind, body, and spiritual practices that have made such a difference and impact on my complete whole body recovery for my overall health! I am so incredibly thankful to Shelley for creating this program!!



THREE: A Post Concussion Recovery Program.

3 Month Program

$1399 CA

Includes Weekly Concussion Coaching, Yoga Classes, Videos and Illustrated Manual.

  • 13 weeks of educational video content PLUS
  • 2 x weekly live coaching calls with an OT!
  • Weekly progressive yoga classes.
  • FREE workshop with a nutritionist specializing in concussion.
  • NEW: A hot off the press updated illustrated WORKBOOK so that you don't have to print anything out !!!
  • Bonus Quick fix yoga videos eg. headache buster.
  • NEW: What's App group AND an online community within the program: a place to share your wins and ask questions!
  • NEW: option to extend the program with monthly membership after if desired.

NEW: Monthly Payment Plan

$485 CA / Month

Limited time deal!